Metrics Dashboard
  • 07 Sep 2023
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Metrics Dashboard

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Article summary

Want to see how many Activism Days you’ve completed this year? Accidentally deleted your email with your custom link? Forgot your grant number? We can help!!

BLEXIT Metrics Dashboard can be found following the instructions below!

1. Sign In HERE.

  1. Use the following credentials to log in: Email: Password: Yeman123!

  1. Please “click” on the “State Resources” Interface.

  2. This is the Metrics Dashboard. 👏  🎉. Select the state in the drop down that is you’d like to review!

  3. Promographs Look up allows you to find and download your promograph requests. They will still be emailed to you, as well!

Notable Mention: Prefilled links are here! * You must you the corresponding button for the correct grant information to prepopulate.

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