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Regional Manager
Organize and Lead Regional Meetings
Facilitate and preside over at least one Regional State Director meeting each month to ensure alignment and collaboration.
Fill Vacancies
Proactively identify and immediately fill any open State Director positions within your region.
Facilitate Leader Integration
Integrate new leaders into their respective state chapters seamlessly, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary resources and support.
Ensure Activism Goals
Oversee each chapter in your region to guarantee participation in a minimum of two activism days per month.
Maintain Roster Accuracy
Update the roster promptly to reflect any changes, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records at all times.
Meet National Grassroots Objectives
Work with each chapter in your region to achieve and exceed national grassroots goals set by BLEXIT.
Consistent Communication
Maintain consistent communication with BLEXIT leaders in your region through approved BLEXIT platforms, fostering a cohesive and collaborative environment.
Monthly Reporting
Submit a comprehensive monthly report to the Strategic Manager – Grassroots, detailing progress, challenges, and regional updates.
Manage Attrition Process
Ensure the completion of the attrition form for any departing leaders, following the established attrition process.
Administrative Responsibilities
Complete all administrative tasks promptly and efficiently to maintain organizational effectiveness.
State Director:
Facilitate Chapter Leadership Meetings
Organize and preside over at least one chapter leadership meeting per month, ensuring all chapter leaders listed on the roster are involved. Document any absences.
Oversee Chapter Activism
Ensure the chapter holds or participates in at least two activism days per month, including at least one non-tabling activism day.
Maintain Consistent Communication
Communicate regularly with BLEXIT leaders via approved platforms such as Microsoft Teams, BLEXIT email, and other designated tools.
Attend Mandatory Meetings and Trainings
Attend all required trainings and meetings or send another leader from your team as a representative if unable to attend.
Serve as a Liaison
Act as the primary link between your Regional Manager/staff and your team, facilitating clear and timely communication.
Delegate Tasks Effectively
Assign responsibilities to team members based on their position duties to ensure operational efficiency.
Fill Open Leadership Positions
Appoint grassroots warriors to fill open leadership positions within a month, ensuring team roles are staffed appropriately.
Integrate New Leaders
Support the integration of new Assistant State Directors or City Coordinators into your team, ensuring a smooth transition.
Recruit Grassroots Warriors
Sign up at least 10 new grassroots warriors each month to strengthen the chapter’s impact and reach.
Reliable Transportation
Maintain access to reliable transportation to fulfill the responsibilities of the role effectively.
Assistant State Director:
Collaborate with the State Director
Speak with the State Director weekly to assist with assigned tasks and support chapter operations.
Act as Backup for the State Director
Perform the duties of the State Director in their absence to ensure continuity of leadership.
Maintain Regular Communication
Communicate consistently with BLEXIT leaders using approved platforms such as Microsoft Teams, BLEXIT email, and other designated tools.
Manage Administrative Tasks
Handle the chapter's administrative responsibilities, including documenting meeting minutes and maintaining organized records.
Support Activism Goals
Ensure the chapter holds or participates in at least two activism days per month to meet organizational objectives.
Oversee Grant Requests
Ensure the chapter submits all required grant requests in alignment with the activism grant process.
City Coordinator:
Implement the Mission Locally
Execute the mission and objectives set forth by the State Director and upper leadership within your city.
Recruit Grassroots Warriors
Sign up new grassroots warriors to join the state chapter and support efforts both locally in your city and statewide as needed.
Maintain Consistent Communication
Communicate regularly with BLEXIT leaders via approved platforms such as Microsoft Teams, BLEXIT email, and other designated tools.
Achieve Activism and Recruitment Goals
Meet the activism day and grassroots warrior recruitment goals established by the State Director.
Participate in Chapter Meetings
Attend all chapter meetings to stay informed and actively contribute to the chapter's progress.
All chapter leaders are responsible for ensuring that pictures are taken and submitted to the national team after every activism day.