Volunteer Escalation
  • 14 Jan 2025
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Volunteer Escalation

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Article summary


BLEXIT's progressive discipline policy and procedures are designed to provide a structured corrective action process to improve and prevent a recurrence of undesirable volunteer behavior and performance issues.

Outlined below are the steps of BLEXIT's progressive discipline policy and procedures. BLEXIT reserves the right to combine or skip steps depending on the facts of each situation and the nature of the offense. Some of the factors that will be considered are whether the offense is repeated despite coaching, counseling or training; the volunteer's work record; and the impact the conduct and performance issues have on the organization.

Nothing in this policy provides any contractual rights regarding volunteer discipline or counseling, nor should anything in this policy be read or construed as modifying or altering the volunteer-at-will relationship between BLEXIT and its volunteers.


Step 1: Counseling and verbal warning

Step 1 creates an opportunity for the immediate supervisor to bring attention to the existing performance, conduct or attendance issue. The supervisor should discuss with the volunteer the nature of the problem or the violation of company policies and procedures. The supervisor is expected to clearly describe expectations and steps the volunteer must take to improve his or her performance or resolve the problem.

Within two business days, the supervisor will prepare written documentation of the verbal counseling and submit using the escalation form. The supervisor will also send an email utilizing this template (be sure to upload a sent copy of the email via the escalation form):

Subject: Urgent: Step One Counseling and Verbal Warning

Dear [ENTER Volunteer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to address some recent concerns. While we deeply value your contributions to the team and believe in your potential, it has become evident that there are areas where improvement is needed. Those areas include: LIST THE CONCERNS

I am formally issuing you a Step One Counseling and Verbal Warning. This is not meant to be punitive but rather a clear signal that we want to see improvement and would like to help you make that happen. I am confident in your ability to make the necessary adjustments, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's work together to ensure your continued success within our organization.


[Your Name]

Step 2: Written warning

The Step 2 written warning involves more-formal documentation of the performance, conduct or attendance issues and corrective action/areas of opportunity.

During Step 2, the immediate supervisor will meet with the volunteer to review any additional incidents or information about the performance, conduct, or attendance issues as well as any prior relevant corrective action plans. The supervisor will outline the consequences for the volunteer of his or her continued failure to meet performance or conduct expectations.

A formal performance improvement plan (PIP) requiring the volunteer's immediate and sustained corrective action will be issued within five business days of a Step 2 meeting. The written warning may also include a statement indicating that the volunteer may be subject to additional discipline, up to and including termination, if immediate and sustained corrective action is not taken.

Supervisor will need to submit the escalation form documenting this step. Please upload a sent copy of the email sent to volunteer containing PIP as well as the actual PIP document.

Subject: Important: Step Two Written Warning

Dear [ENTER Volunteer’s Name],

I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to follow up on previous discussions regarding areas where improvement has been needed. While we continue to value your involvement with the team, I must bring to your attention that certain concerns have persisted, despite our efforts to address them. These concerns include: [LIST THE CONCERNS].

As a result, we are now moving forward with a Step Two Written Warning. This step is taken in accordance with our policy, and while it is more formal, the goal remains to support you in making the necessary improvements (attached you will find your Performance Improvement Plan, per our discussion). Please understand that this is an opportunity for you to address these concerns and demonstrate your commitment to the team.

I believe in your ability to make the required changes and am available to assist you as needed. Let’s work together to resolve these issues and continue to build on your positive contributions to our organization.

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Step 3: Suspension and final written warning

Some performance, conduct or safety incidents are so problematic and harmful that the most effective action may be the temporary removal of the volunteer from their role. When immediate action is necessary to ensure the safety of the volunteer or others, the volunteer may be temporarily suspended pending the results of an investigation.

Suspensions that are recommended as part of the normal sequence of the progressive discipline policy and procedures are subject to approval from a next-level manager. Supervisor will need to submit the escalation form documenting this step.

Step 4: Recommendation for termination of volunteer’s role

The last and most serious step in the progressive discipline process is a recommendation to terminate the volunteer from their role in BLEXIT. Generally, BLEXIT will try to exercise the progressive nature of this policy by first providing warnings, issuing a final written warning or suspending the volunteer from their role before proceeding to a recommendation to terminate them. However, BLEXIT reserves the right to combine and skip steps depending on the circumstances of each situation and the nature of the offense. Furthermore, volunteers may be terminated without prior notice or disciplinary action.

Management's recommendation to terminate a volunteer from their role must be approved by staff and/or a staff panel.

Appeals Process

Volunteers will have the opportunity to present information to dispute information management has used to issue disciplinary action. The purpose of this process is to provide insight into extenuating circumstances that may have contributed to the volunteer's performance or conduct issues while allowing for an equitable solution.

If the volunteer does not present this information during any of the step meetings, he or she will have three business days after each of those meetings to present such information. Information should be sent to tania.gorman@tpusa.com (if Tania is the manager in question, send to Renata at renata.dasilva@tpusa.com).

Performance and Conduct Issues Not Subject to Progressive Discipline

Behavior that is illegal is not subject to progressive discipline and may result in immediate termination. Such behavior may be reported to local law enforcement authorities.

Similarly, theft, substance abuse, intoxication, fighting and other acts of violence at work are also not subject to progressive discipline and may be grounds for immediate termination.


The volunteer will be provided copies of all progressive discipline documentation, including all PIPs (performance improvement plan).

Copies of these documents will be placed in the volunteer's official personnel file.


Please use the escalation form link to log any and all of the above steps.

Additional Documents and Links PIP Template
Incident Form - For issues not directly pertaining to volunteer’s role

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